Where to find Fia's Pictograms in Deathloop What is the Bunker Cassette Door Code in Deathloop?.Fourth Pictogram - "Beneath the wheeled behemoth".Third Pictogram - "Lubricates the shaft".Second Pictogram - "Adds color to tools and schema".First Pictogram - "It tends to the main hall".Where to find Fia's Pictograms in Deathloop.Here’s how you can beat Fia, find the Pictograms, and work out the Fristad Rock bunker code. Looking for specific pictures in an art studio filled with paintings and murals is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack, if there were lots of fake needles thrown in there as red herrings too. To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

The initial objective involves finding 4 pictograms dotted around her studio, Fractured ImAge, in Fristad Rock around Noon. Arty, armed, and dangerous, Fia is not only one of Deathloop’s most powerful Visionaries, but her quest, Afternoon Delight, can be one of the toughest too.